Originally published by UJPFO
Members of UJPFO were honored to participate in the 100th anniversary of Camp Kinderland on October 7th, 2023 at Lehman College in New York City. The secular Jewish youth camp opened the doors in 1923 by Jewish, working-class, immigrants that were part of the International Workers Order and JPFO. The camp gave their children a cultural, political, and progressive experience to escape the city during the summer.

Through out the day, members of the UJPFO participated in activities like a Yiddish sing-a-long , a round table discussion of Camp Kinderland through the ages, and video screenings of documentaries about the camp’s history. Participants also included a commemorative Centennial Journal which included essays, photos, memories, and advertisements from friends and family celebrating Camp Kinderland’s 100th Anniversary. UJPFO is a proud to have advertised in the commemorative journal.

Camp Kinderland and the UJPFO roots are tied together with the IWO and Jewish working-class Americans. The UJPFO expresses its sincere, gratitude for the wonderful experience the Camp Kinderland provided. Mazel Tov to Camp Kinderland! We look forward to the next 100 years with the camp’s growth.
To read more about the origins and history of the Camp Kinderland, purchase and read the Kinderland: First 100 Years by Fay Itzkowitz and Mitchell Silver, edited by Judee Rosenbaum.