Leninists.org – American Archive of Marxism-Leninism

Originally published on the Daily Worker

“Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement… The role of vanguard fighter can be fulfilled only by a party that is guided by the most advanced theory.” — V.I. Lenin

The American Communist Movement is alive now more than ever and we have a rich history of theoreticians and organizers to thank for it. From the earliest formations such as Social Democracy of America and the Socialist Labor Party, to the rise and revisionism of the Communist Party USA, and the modern movement with groups such as the Party of Communists USA, we seek to immortalize our history.

The American Archive of Marxism Leninism is a massive project to preserve Socialism, Communist, and Working Class literature. This task is carried out by The Party of Communists USA, which maintains a physical archive of thousands of documents at the John Reed Center in Seattle.

This archive could not be possible without the work of countless comrades throughout the ages, especially those who have created archives of their own. Our goal is to not simply archive the rare physical material we have at our own offices but to collect as much of the material that is spread across the internet into one convenient location.

Excerpts: Georgi Dimitrov

Spain and the People’s Front

Under the Banner of Leninism

Dimitrov’s Letters from Prison

Georgi Dimtrov Selected Works Volume 3

Georgi Dimitrov Selected Works Volume 1

Georgi Dimitrov Selected Works Volume 2

Working Class Unity – Bulwark Against Fascism

The Diary of Georgi Dimitrov 1933-1949

The Fascist Offensive and Unity of the Working Class

The Fascist Offensive and The Tasks of the Communist International

Excerpt: Liu Shaoqi

How to Be a Good Communist

Excerpt: W.E.B. Dubois

The World and Africa

Excerpts: Gus Hall

Build the Party – Build the Clubs

For Peace Jobs Equality

Imperialism Today

The Power of Ideology

Would You Believe… U.S. Workers Running the Economy?

Working Class USA The Power and the Movement

Basics – For Peace, Democracy, and Socialism

Catholics and Communists – Elements of a Dialogue

Czechoslovakia at the Crossroads

Ecology – Can We Survive Under Capitalism?

Fighting Racism

Gus Hall Bibliography

Imperialism Today – An Evaluation of Major Issues and Events of Our Time

Karl Marx – Beacon For Our Times

Keynote Report to the Second Extraordinary Conference of the Communist Party USA

Labor Up-Front – In the People’s Fight Against the Crisis

Gus Hall – Speech at International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties, 1969

State of the Union = State of Emergency

The Crisis of US Capitalism and the Fight-Back

The Energy Rip-Off – Cause & Cure

The Only Choice – Peaceful Coexistence

The Power of Ideology – Keynote Address to the First Ideological Conference of the CPUSA 1989

The Sakharov-Solzhenitsyn Fraud – What’s Behind the Hue and Cry for Intellectual Freedom

The Summit Failure – How Peace Can be Won

Unity – The Only Way

Working Class USA – The Power and the Movement

American ML Archive (leninists.org)